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This week's newsletter features reviews on titles such as, Disruptive Generosity by Mac Pier, Engaging The Doctrine Of Creation by Matthew Levering, Sermon On The Mount & Human Flourishing by Jonathan Pennington, and When Your Church Feels Stuck by Chris Sonksen.
These reviews, together with write-ups on other interesting titles such as, God Will Heal - A Personal Journey Of Faith & Healing by Goh Kian Peng talks about, "Does God heal? What is the source of sickness? How do we exercise faith for healing? What if healing doesn't come? Faced with a diagnosis of leukemia in his son, a doctor was forced to confront these questions and more." Get a copy now to find out more!
Title : God Will Heal - A Personal Journey Of Faith & Healing
Author : Goh Kian Peng
Category : Asian Author
Format : Softcover |
* Price Before Member's Discount
Does God heal? What is the source of sickness? How do we exercise faith for healing? What if healing doesn't come? Faced with a diagnosis of leukemia in his son, a doctor was forced to confront these questions and more.
The result is a biblically-balanced perspective on divine healing, interwoven with personal anecdotes of ups, downs, laughter, and tears. With wisdom and faith leaping from every page, this book provides a refreshing and timely look at how we can partner God for our healing.
Title : Disruptive Generosity
Author : Mac Pier
Category : Christian Living
Format : Softcover
* Price Before Member's Discount
Title : Engaging The Doctrine Of Creation
Author : Matthew Levering
Category : Theology
Format : Hardcover |
* Price Before Member's Discount
Scientific theory has often overshadowed the doctrine of creation as a viable way for understanding the origin of the universe. Engaging with modern cosmology and philosophy, Levering offers a vision of how traditional biblical and theological perspectives―especially Thomas Aquinas's―reflect the transcendent Source of everything and how creation, original sin, and Christ's atonement reveal God's glory.
Title : Sermon On The Mount & Human Flourishing - A Theological Commentary
Author : Jonathan Pennington
Category : Sermon On The Mount
Format : Hardcover
* Price Before Member's Discount
Perhaps one of the most influential passages in all of Scripture, the Sermon on the Mount is the most studied and commented upon portion of the Christian Scriptures, with every Christian generation turning to it for insight and guidance.
In The Sermon on the Mount and Human Flourishing distinguished Gospel expert Jonathan Pennington demonstrates that the Sermon on the Mount offers a clear window into understanding God's work in Christ. Pennington provides a historical, literary, and theological exposition of the Sermon and explains how this text provides insight into God's plan for human flourishing. As Pennington explores the literary dimensions and theological themes of this famous passage, he situates the Sermon in dialogue with the Jewish and Greek virtue traditions and the philosophical-theological question of human flourishing. He also relates the Sermon's theological themes to contemporary issues such as ethics, philosophy, and economics. This creative, substantive, and accessible commentary on the Sermon on the Mount is a worthwhile and indispensible text for seminarians, scholars, and pastors.
Title : When Your Church Feels Stuck
Author : Chris Sonsken
Category : Church Ministry
Format : Softcover |
* Price Before Member's Discount
Every pastor wants their church to grow, but the reality is that most churches are stagnant or shrinking, leaving most pastors frustrated, weary, and discouraged. They continue to search for answers at conferences, in books, and on websites, but they don't find them. They don't realize that the answers that can actually make a difference in their ministry are the ones they need to give themselves.
When Your Church Feels Stuck poses seven unavoidable questions church leaders must answer before they can chart the unique path to growth for their church. These challenging questions address the key subjects of mission, strategy, values, metrics, team alignment, culture, and services, and the way pastors answers these questions will help them discover the real reasons their churches are stuck—and what steps to take to facilitate real growth.
Title : Introducing Logic & Critical Thinking
Author : Ryan Byerly
Category : Ethics & Philosophy
Format : Softcover
* Price Before Member's Discount
This robust, clear, and well-researched textbook for classes in logic introduces students to both formal logic and to the virtues of intellectual inquiry. Part 1 challenges students to develop the analytical skills of deductive and inductive reasoning, showing them how to identify and evaluate arguments. Part 2 helps students develop the intellectual virtues of the wise inquirer. The book includes helpful pedagogical features such as practice exercises and a concluding summary with definitions of key concepts for each chapter. Resources for professors and students are available through Baker Academic's Textbook eSources.
Title : Disciple's Path - Deepening Your Relationship With Christ & The Church (Book + CD)
Author : James Harnish / Justin LaRosa
Category : TR-Discipleship
Format : Book + CDROM |
* Price Before Member's Discount
Combining a Wesleyan understanding of our growth in God's love and grace with the time-tested practices of spiritual discipline as expressed in the membership vows to uphold the church with our presence, prayers, gifts, service, and witness, participants will discover the difference it makes to live out their commitment to Christ through membership in the United Methodist Church. They will learn that being a disciple means loving God and loving others, and they will be equipped to do that by discovering their unique gifts and becoming engaged in ministry that also brings transformation in their own hearts and lives through the love and grace of Jesus Christ.
The Kit contains all components necessary to assist leaders in conducting a successful study or congregational-wide program including the Companion Reader, the Daily Workbook, the Leader's Program Guide with CD-ROM and samples of all the ancillary products.
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